Registration for 2024 HSPC will close on Friday, February 09, 2024.
Coaches only: Create a CodeChef account here. One account per team of up to three students. CodeChef account usernames are required on the registration form before submission.
Official Participation: All student competitors, coaches, and visitors must complete the registration form. Only the official faculty coach of a school team (or their designee) may create CodeChef accounts for school team(s). Any questions regarding your registration, any special accommodations, etc., should be directed to the following email address:
Number of Teams Per School: Priority is given to having teams from as many schools as possible. Therefore, one school may register no more than two competitive teams (for trophies). If space allows, as the deadline draws near, it is possible that no more than one additional competition team and up to two exhibition (non-competing) teams may be registered and allowed to participate.
Team Makeup: A team must have at least two and no more than three student members. No school may have more than a single two-student team. All participants, including coaches, will receive a free t-shirt if registered before the deadline.
Questions: All questions regarding the contest rules, problem types, programming environment, etc., should be directed to Dr. Kevin Jin